Dr. Jessica is a Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Board Certified Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, and a Board Certified Lyme Specialist.
She received her education in Forensic Pathology & Virology from West Chester University.
While struggling for many years to receive hope or healing from traditional western medicine, for her Lupus and Endometriosis, Dr. Jessica pursued other avenues of healing.. Holistic Healing as God intended.
Within a few months, Dr. Jessica was experiencing the healing she prayed for, and was now convinced there were better ways to restore our bodies to better health.
She went on to complete her Certified Holistic Health Practitioner degree at Trinity School of Natural Health.
Dr. Jessica passed her exams to become a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy, by the American Natural Wellness Practitioners Board (ANWPB) and a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner Certified by the American Academy of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). Dr. Jessica is licensed under the GUARDIAN ECCLESIASTICAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.
She is also a Board Certified Lyme & Tick Born Illness Specialist.
Dr. Jessica believes that there is NOTHING that cannot be healed, through the gifts God has provided for use here on Earth.
Dr. Jessica, her amazing hubby and their two fabulous kiddos live on a farm nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. They grow organic gardens, raise loud crazy goats, are blessed daily by a few dozen chickens, and rescue dogs, stubborn donkeys, and sassy mules!
She loves Jesus, her Family, her Friends, her Farm…and coffee (and peanut butter too..).